Inflation ( CCPI)1.7% (June 2024)
GDP5.3% (1Q 2024)
Unemployment4.3% (4Q 2023)
3M T-Bill Rate9.14%
12M T-Bill Rate9.95%
2Y T-Bond Rate10.10%/ 10.20%
4Y T-Bond Rate11.60% / 11.70%
Reserves $5.6Bn (June 2024)
Cum. Trade Deficit $2,180 Mn (May 2024 cumulative)
Cum. Fiscal DeficitLKR 361Bn (April 2024)

Interest rate increased further, while CBSL managed to raised all the funds to repay the liabilities

Interest RatesOct 18, 2021
Interest rate increased further, while CBSL managed to raised all the funds to repay the liabilities
Sri Lanka T-bills yields are rising at a rapid phase especially on 91Days. CBSL has allowed the T-bill price to fell free float as yields climbed to 8.39%, 8.16% & 8.17%. After 13 auctions CBSL has been successful in raising all the funds that need to settle the liabilities on Friday. CBSL has allowed to increased the 91Days T-bills by 3% after the last rate hike. This strategy would force institutional investors to reconsider their strategy of borrowing short-term in LKR terms to finance domestic expanse while keeping FX earning without repatriation.


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